About the Bug Reports category

Submit any bugs you find in NetLogo products in this category. Please also send them to [email protected] to make sure the development team sees them quickly.

A good bug report should include:

  • A relevant tag(s) for what platform/software the bug was found on: netlogo, netlogo-web, nettango, hubnet, turtle-universe, bundled NetLogo extensions (include the relevant one), or even this community forum. If the relevant tag doesn’t exist, you can add it.
  • The full error message or error report.
  • The steps necessary to reproduce the problem. If you cannot reproduce the error then try to describe what you were doing when it happened.


  • If the error is visual in nature (like something not appearing as it should), then include screenshots showing the problem.
  • If the error is model-specific, then include the model that you were using when the error occurred. If you need to attach a NetLogo model (i.e. .nlogo file) please put it and any accessory files in a zip file to ensure it comes through.
  • If you’re issue is in one of the web-based services, make sure to include which operating system (macOS, Windows, ChromeOS, Linux) and web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) you are using.
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@jeremy.baker @Jason Can one of you help me add some instructions on how to properly report bugs in a way that is most helpful to developers?


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Isn’t it the same thing ?:slight_smile: