Game of Thrones ABM tutorial for beginners

A few years ago, a colleague and I were teaching an ABM class for beginners. For a fun showcase on coding in NetLogo, we decided to slowly convert the classic wolf-sheep predation model into a full model of Westeros. This includes territories that shrink or expand based on the results of Prisoner’s dilemma games, social networks between houses, exchange of obsidian to defend against whitewalkers, and even dragons!

During COVID, I used some of my free time to create a website for that tutorial. Here is the link to the website:

Feel free to respond to this conversation if you have questions or comments on the tutorial. Have fun!

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This looks super cool!

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This is exactly the tutorial I have been looking for! I can’t wait to work through this.

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This is an extensive tutorial and very well done. Thanks for sharing it here.

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If any of you go through the tutorial and encounter problems (or have suggestions for improvements), please let me know here or via the tutorial website’s contact form. I assume that at some point, things will start breaking with new versions of NetLogo…