Netlogo doesn’t recognize breed>-neighbors

I have a breed of undirected links named “amigos”, but here is the problem:

Why is that? The dicitionary says that it should work.
I wrote:
set grupo (turtle-set grupo inicial [ [other-end] of my-amigos] of inicial)
then it worked, but it’s cumbersome.
Thanks for any help

Maybe try amigo-neighbors?

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I’m guessing that amigo-neighbors without the “s” in “amigos” will work. It is like link-neighbors for default links which doesn’t have an “s” after “link”. I’m assuming you have a breed like this:

If that doesn’t work, share the rest of your code and I’ll be able to help.

Also I’m going to move this to General Q&A as this is a question about your model code, not a bug in the NetLogo itself.

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Yes, that solved the issue. Thank you

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