The Turtle Universe does not yet support non-netlogo programming languages, web access or custom extensions, and only a few netlogo web extensions and proprietary extensions are available.
two years ago, I stumbled across a JavaScript injection vulnerability, and the turtle universe has unofficial JavaScript, CoffeeScript, and WebAssembly language support (although I’m pretty much the only one using these) .
Custom extensions, netlogo syntax sugar, empty editor run code, network assembly to achieve efficient prime number filtering, fully run in v 83d graphics raster rendering, based on PNG. Bitmaps from JS and importDrawing show the world of broken tiles, better dialogs from the injection tutorial system, and MIDI wrappers that I did in the turtle universe with JavaScript.
There’s also webgl rendering based on the web canvas element, AI based on the request API, and replaying local environment scripts based on the web script element.
These are only available on iOS because iOS runs on the local file system web page, other platforms run in V-8 environments that offer only web assembly and a few required interfaces,
and only the turtle universe on iOS devices can make web requests, paint canvases, and export images from scripts injected into the experiment, create proprietary worker threads, using native streaming compression and decompression interfaces.
The only advantage that non-iOS platforms have over the former is the ability to use SharedArrayBuffer (the default file protocol disables shared memory, even through webassembly. Memory fetches shared Memory instances that can not be shared across threads, and atomics. exe. Wait can not be used in the main thread) ,
but the V 8 environment has no other threads to access at all, so the SharedArrayBuffer is only usable with atomics.
exe. Wait cheap pausing threads specify non-scalable memory buffers in milliseconds (with a precision of about 15 milliseconds) and in a V 8 environment without setTimeout and setInterval, atomics. Waitasync is the only reliable way to implement a timer.
The Turtle Universe is going in strange directions…