That is very true. @abarranca Your opinion?
@john-chen , I think there are two options for how to handle cases like this, and depending which you choose (based on preferential and/or legal requirements) they affect different types of threads differently.
Let’s take @kritphong 's example where only User B consented to merge. Your two options on how to proceed with unmerged accounts are:
OPTION 1. Leave post information intact, but remove ID of the poster, and label poster as “Anonymous.”
OPTION 2. Remove all post information entirely from any unmerged account.
Now let’s apply those two options to the two possible cases.
- Case 1: Given Users A, B, and C, User B is the initial poster, and Users A and C respond to User A’s post.
OPTION 1: If we simply remove the identifiers of Users A and C and keep their reply content, nothing much is lost.
OPTION 2: We keep the initial post, but lose the replies. In this case, you would still have the question content to be answered by a NetLogo forum member later on. I still see this as a better-than-nothing situation, since it provides questions to build the knowledge base of this new resource. A new responder could even just replicate code solutions from the Google Group as well. After all, code is code, right?
- Case 2: Given Users A, B, and C, User A is the initial poster, and Users B and C respond to User B’s post.
OPTION 1: Again, if you simply anonymize the post content, nothing much is lost besides a further ability to correspond with Users A and C.
OPTION 2: This is the most problematic situation, since it negates the ability to port over User A’s questions entirely. I don’t have a solution here.
I suppose the outstanding question is a legal one: Is there an expectation of ownership of question/reply content asked in the Google Group? Would it violate such ownership by posters or Google’s terms to replicate the Group’s content over here?
I would love to see topics around NetLogo curricula for K-12 science classrooms.
Considering that in most of the social sciences ABM is hardly being taught, I would like to see a suite of models targeting different phenomena, such as opinion polarisations, innovation diffusion, informative and normative influences etc. Some key implementations of social/behavioural/psychological theories in Netlogo applications would be very useful for those aiming at modelling human behaviour.