Hello, NetLogo-ers!
Welcome to the NetLogo forum again. This thread serves as a brainstorming space for threads, tags, or categories to come. Feel free to leave your ideas!
Hello, NetLogo-ers!
Welcome to the NetLogo forum again. This thread serves as a brainstorming space for threads, tags, or categories to come. Feel free to leave your ideas!
Many questions on the existing user group address:
Is there a way to have a block of introductory text at the top of the page to tell people what the forum is and isn’t for?
I guess we will welcome anyone posting programming questions. And people will post questions regardless of what we think. If they come here, it is better not to redirect them to another website where they need to register again. We have a Q&A category and function similar to StackOverflow (with a feature for you to check the answers). We can have a thread here called “Unofficial Resources of NetLogo” which includes StackOverflow.
For your second question: Yes, there is a feature that supports it. I wonder if you or someone want to help us write a short paragraph
I have pinned a topic before we can write a better banner topic that welcomes users with rich-text support (e.g. links to resources)
A topic I would be interested in is running Netlogo on HPC clusters both using and not using Behavior Space. For example I’m interested in using latin hybercubes for the parameter values in my experimental design but I don’t believe behavior space supports that.
Also is there any way to retrieve the content from the google group and get it loaded here so there’s a consistent way to interact with the content?
Thanks for joining the discussion!
We do have a backup of previous posts, but we haven’t figured out the details of migration yet. One problem would be to keep the author information - if we use a bot, then all authors would be the bot. And we are not sure if we need consent from them?
I’d like to see a topic on real-world applications of NetLogo.
I am interested in the broad category of complexity science and chaos.
I would be interested in see topics related to applications of Agent Based Modeling in Economics, Finance and Risk Management.
Hi NetLogo folks,
I would be happy if there were an educational strand - where applications for learning in school and university (or others settings) can be discussed.
I guess we can try to invite teachers here with their questions/needs
Every year, we have some students in Uri’s ABM class working on these models I mean @kritphong is working on a taxation/land development one.
Yeah, it would be great to get a bunch of models in these areas compiled in one place!
O matter what topics are posted, every single one will be littered with posts like “HELP!” or "how do i . . " I would like to see aggressive moderation to move off topic help request posts to the appropriate help topic.
So topics:
Netlogo Announcements
Netlogo Code Help
Model Design Help
Behavior Space help
Running Headless Help
ABM News and Such
Big-brains High-Level Self-Stimulation Channel
Look at my model! Show off topic where folks can share models on modeling commons to get praise and constructive replies
We do have a dedicated Q&A section that may contain all of the HELP!!! threads. This would probably save us from merging all questions into the same thread. Then would you suggest getting them off the front page? I guess we shall see.
Once we have many HELP!!! threads, then we may create sub-categories under Q&A like what you suggested. Also there is a chat channel feature here.
P.S. We are thinking about moving Modeling Commons here too.
These are some good categories! Do you have experience moderating a forum like this? One thing we are trying to figure out is what to put into their categories and what separate by tags within a category. For example, maybe there should just be one Help category which can have tags for NetLogo code, Model Design, etc. What do you thik?
Data-driven agent-based modeling!
Could you send merge requests to members of the user group, asking them to input their forum ID? Then you would ping the forum members “We’ve received a merge request from the Google Group member [email protected]. If this was you, do you consent to merging your posts from the Google Group netlogo-users to forum.netlogo.org.” That would essentially create a 2-factor handshake. (Or you could reverse the arrow in the above suggestion.)
However, I do not have the software/web engineering knowhow for how something like this would be implemented, so that’s where my usefulness ends.
That is a great idea! @kritphong Since developing in Ruby may be a bit frustrating, maybe we can use WebAI and any language you are comfortable with to do this? Or maybe just use Google Forms and write a local script? We should discuss it.
That sounds doable, but we’d have to decide how to deal with threads involving people who haven’t consented to a merge. For example, what should we do when there’s a thread involving user A, B, and C, but only B consented to a merge? B’s posts may not make sense outside the context of other posts.