Welcome to the NetLogo Forum!
This forum is for both new and experienced NetLogo users.
Getting Started
- Feel free to browse existing posts to see what is here already by clicking into categories or using the search bar.
- To post, sign up for an account and then click the “+ New Topic” button in the top right. See the tips below for writing a good post/question.
- See this post on how to customize your email notifications.
Tips for good posts/questions
- Write a clear title that describes the key of what you are asking/suggesting.
- Use an appropriate category. Beneath the title is a dropdown to choose a category. Try to pick the best category, and if relevant, sub-category. If you are browsing a specific category when you click the “+ New Topic” button, the category will default to whichever category you are browsing. If nothing fits, you can use “Miscellaneous.” The homepage of the forum shows all the categories with descriptions. If you aren’t sure, you can always change the category of a post later.
- Use tags when appropriate. In addition to categories, there are optional tags which can help people find and respond to topics. For example, if you are asking a question about plotting, add the “plotting” tag. If you are reporting a bug about NetLogo Web, add the “netlogo-web” tag. Just start typing what you think a good tag would be and existing similar tags will appear. If the right tag doesn’t exist yet, go ahead and create it.
- Select the appropriate language(s). Beneath the categories, make sure that whatever language(s) your post is written in are selected.
- Include the full error message if you are asking a question about an error.
- Post quoted code using backticks (don’t post screenshots of code). The backtick key is usually on the top left of the keyboard, left of the “1” key.
For inline code, surround it in single backticks like this `ask turtles` which will render as:
ask turtles
. -
For a block of code (which can contain multiple lines), surround it in triple backticks with the word “netlogo” after the first set of backticks like this:
ask turtles [fd 10]
```which will render how it looks in NetLogo:
ask turtles [fd 10]
- Mark solved questions by clicking the “
Solution” button on the answer that resolved your issue. This will help others find answers faster.
Other things
- Feel free to reply to this message with other suggestions for how to get people started with the forum and we will add them to post over time.